Our Hours of Operation are
Monday - Friday: 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday: 11 am- 4 pm
15% OFF SuperSuet® Products* - DSC Members Get an Extra 5% OFF the Sale Price!
February 6 - 16, 2025
Offer SuperSuet®, the Best Nutrition for Winter Bird Feeding
Seasons may change, but your backyard birds have one constant need: a diet rich in fat and protein. Especially important this time of year, our exclusive SuperSuet® foods are crafted with our highest levels of fat and protein to help birds power through winter's challenges. Add SuperSuet to your yard and enjoy watching the wide variety of birds that will stop by for a nutritious boost.
*15% OFF SuperSuet Products (cylinders, suet cakes, no-melt suet cakes and suet plugs). Daily Savings Club Members get an extra 5% off the sale price. Valid on purchases made both in-store and online via myWBU (using the code SUPERSUET). Limit of 6 items. One discount per purchase. Not valid with other discounts or previous purchases. While supplies last; sorry no rain checks. Offer valid at WBU Barrie (mywbu.com/barrie) or WBU Newmarket (mywbu.com/newmarket). Offer valid February 6 - 16, 2025.
As locally owned family businesses (Wild Birds Unlimited Barrie & Newmarket), we’re deeply committed to supporting fellow Canadian businesses. 🤝🍁
We prioritize sourcing locally whenever possible, and we’re proud to offer a wide selection of handcrafted products in almost all categories—from foods and birdhouses to baths, books, optics, and gifts—made by artisans and businesses right here in Ontario and across Canada. We recognize the challenges that we and other small businesses are facing right now, and how the consumers and local small businesses are often the ones caught in the middle. This is why we remain committed to buying from as many Canadian sources as possible. While some of our products are manufactured in the U.S., it’s worth noting that many of their raw ingredients are sourced from Canada, reinforcing our dedication to the local economy. 🐦🍁🐦
Seasonal Selections
Wild Birds Unlimited Barrie is you’re local Canadian source of the best wild bird feed wild bird food wild bird seed wild bird houses wild bird feeders wild bird nesting supplies wild bird baths wild bird feed wild bird food wild bird seed wild bird houses wild bird feeders wild bird nesting supplies wild bird baths best wild bird feed wild bird food wild bird seed wild bird houses wild bird feeders wild bird nesting supplies wild bird baths wild bird feed wild bird food wild bird seed wild bird houses wild bird feeders wild bird nesting supplies wild bird baths wild bird water wild bird water oriole feeder oriole feeder hummingbird feeder hummingbird feeder live mealworms live mealworms